Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 is filled with more detail pertaining to the inside of the computer. Most of this information I never knew even existed. This chapter explains the common things in more detail as well as things the little things that make your computer run better/faster in an easy way that is understandable. For instance I knew that the more pixels a screen created the better, however, I didn’t understand how the numbers worked. The first number is the pixels per horizontal row whereas the second number is the pixels per vertical column, then you multiply them to get the total. (That makes sense!)This chapter gives lots of examples of each kind of device that the computer can do; input, output, storage media and devices. This chapter breaks down the components of a computer in a way that even if you think you know that part fairly well you still learn more about it.

I have never used Inspiration 8 prior to this class. I found it to be a very useful tool program and I think it beats trying to make those concept maps on Word. That takes a really long time and it doesn’t look near as nice and cool as the way Inspiration allows you to arrange the data. These maps with be helpful in teaching just about any class. I wish when I was in school they had concept map application like this instead of us trying to draw them and make them perfect. This would have been a huge time saver.

I must say I'm not a big fan of this book. I think its ok, gives lots of examples and things like that but with technology you need to be hands on. I feel that I learn better in the class rather than reading this material. There’s just so much to read and try to remember and I don’t think I will ever be asked a question that pertains to the components of the inside of a computer. This class will be beneficial in itself; I think the book hinders this course rather than benefit it. I despise SAM I think it messed up my computer as well as my roommates. I'm not sure how it did it but it did it.

***Glad the giants won…however I wish Peyton Manning got MVP instead of his little brother ;)


Becky said...

I definitly agree about the book! Luckily we're not tested on the information in it because it can be pretty overwhelming.

jgentile said...

WHOA... serious background! Where did you find it.

Books. Can't live with em, can't live without em. Some students like certain chapters, some hate certain. I'm hoping you pick up a few nuggets in each. Thanks for giving it your best.