Sunday, April 6, 2008

Post 10

I feel that this class was very successful and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not to sure as to where this will take me yet. I do have another Intro class to take...Diversity. This class was extremely useful and I'm glad I took it. I think my favorite thing was this Blog. I now have my own and I have told my roommates about it and they have them now too. The word is spreading fast about blogging and they all seem to like it.
The thing that I despised the most about this class was SAM. I don't think that it was effective at all. It messed my computer up and didn't really teach me much of anything. But like all the other classes you cant like everything about the class.
I am very excited to continue with my major and scared at the same time to start my own class. I have a ways to go before that happens. Having your own class brings mixed emotions but I think in the end it will be very rewarding. I'm excited to use this new information and all that Mr. Gentiles has showed us and help my students.